Monthly Archive: August 2016


Journey Across Messier 78, Reflection Nebula

Messier 78 is part of the constellation Orion that is centered around the well-known Orion Nebula. As frequently neglected nebula, Messier 78 is a reflection nebula that lies 1,600 light-years away from our planet.


The Allende Meteorite

Meteorites fall everywhere on Earth. They destroy life, ruin the Earth’s flora and fauna, but they also bring chemicals that give life. According to scientists, there are three kinds of meteorites, but all of...


Venus Jupiter Conjunction

During this month, Venus and Jupiter will be extremely close to each other and form a conjunction. On August 27th, we will be able to enjoy this beautiful space event just after sunset.


Mars Panorama

This new image of Mars provides us with a 360-degree view of one of Martian regions known as Murray Buttes. With dragging a mouse, we can explore the interesting area of this Martian scene.


Journey Throughout Red Planet

This time-lapse video consists of images taken by the ESO’s Mars Express. They show diverse areas of the Red Planet, all captured by the High-Resolution Stereo Camera.
