Monthly Archive: September 2015


NASA Released a New Image of Pluto’s Surface

NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft has taken the image of Tartarus Dorsa, Pluto’s mountain, which surface compares with dragon scales or snakeskin. This image reveals 330 miles or 530 kilometers of the snakeskin surface.


Fundamental Symmetry

Scientists from the University of Sao Paulo (USP) and the University of Campinas have made precise measurements of particle mass and electric charge that confirm the existence of a fundamental symmetry in nature.


How Dark Matter Makes Stars Stable

Scientists have previously thought that dark matter makes the stars so dense that they eventually burst into black holes. However, the recent research makes scientists think that dark matter inside stars make their core...


Wonders of Our Universe

This video represents a compilation of images of our planet, the Milky Way and the Universe. We can see astonishing pictures of the Earth’s most beautiful phenomenon – Aurora Borealis, and the colorful and...


ESA’s New Image of Nebula Messier 17

This new image of Nebula Messier 17 has been captured by the Wide Field Imager on the MPG/ESO 2.2-meter telescope at ESO’s La Silla Observatory in Chile. The nebula is known by its many...


New Image of Pluto’s Moon Nix

NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft has released the clearest image of Pluto’s moon, Nix that was taken on July 14th. This moon is discovered in 2005 and represents the tiniest of the four Pluto’s moons.
