Monthly Archive: March 2013

Plasma Rockets & Solar Storms 0

Plasma Rockets & Solar Storms

Some scientists see plasma as a future energy source. Since the beginning of technology we have relied on the same method to carry payloads into orbit. But these rockets are not very efficient. Present...


Four Future Space Missions

A brief synopsis of space missions that are in progress and will reach climax in the next few months and years. New Horizons is going to Pluto and the Kuiper belt. Juno is on...

Jupiters Hotspots – NASA 0

Jupiters Hotspots – NASA

Information on Jupiter’s bright Equatorial Zone swirls with dark patches, dubbed “hot spots” for their infrared glow. These holes in the ammonia clouds at the top of the atmosphere allow a glimpse into Jupiter’s darker,...

Comet Pan-STARRS 0

Comet Pan-STARRS

Comet Pan-STARRS has survived its encounter with the sun and is now emerging from twilight in the sunset skies of the northern hemisphere. A NASA spacecraft monitoring the comet has beamed back pictures of...


Future Of Space Travel

The future of space exploration is discussed by NASA astronaut Greg Johnson. Ofcourse this will involve the colonisation of the Moon and eventually Mars. New technologies are discussed as well as technology spinoffs such...

Skylon Space Plane 0

Skylon Space Plane

A small British company, Reaction Engines, have developed a new engine  system that will be able to power and aircraft into space and back again. This will dramatically slash the price of getting into...


Life on Mars Was a Possibility – NASA

NASA has concluded that, based on the chemistry of rocks recently examined by Curioisty, Mars could have supported life in the past. Previous samples from past missions suggested that samples did not provide the...
