Best Outer Space Videos Blog


Space is Full of Junk. Here’s How to Clean It Up…

– On February 10th, 2009, somewhere in orbit above Siberia, a Russian military satellite collided with an American communication satellite. At the moment of collision, each satellite was traveling nearly 36,000 kilometers per hour....


10.8 Global Positioning System

PROFESSOR: Welcome back to A20 special relativity. In this last section of this chapter, we talked about applications and implications of special relativity. We talked about the global positioning system. You all have used...


What Is an Exoplanet?

– [Narrator] You’ve seen weird, wonderful worlds in science fiction. We don’t yet know what sorts of life might exist out there. But some of the planets not unlike the ones in your favorite...


Why Spacesuits Are So Expensive | So Expensive

This spacesuit, built in 1974, was reported to cost between $15 million and $22 million. Today, that would be about $150 million. Having not delivered any new mission-ready extravehicular suits since then, NASA is...


How NASA Reinvented the Rocket Engine

This is no ordinary rocket engine. Limited by the technology of their times engineers and physicists have theorized this propulsion method for centuries, but the constraints of time may have just lifted with NASA’s...
