Monthly Archive: June 2015


25 Surprising Facts About Our Planet

This video represents carefully selected facts on planet Earth that can be surprising for many of us. One of these facts refers to the Earth’s inner core and its temperature, as well as the...


New Images of Comet 67P

The European Space Agency (ESA) has released new images of the Comet 67P/ Churyumov – Gerasimenko, taken by the Rosetta space probe. They depict the area of 4 km wide, full of ice, snow,...


Potato-Shaped Moons of Pluto

The New Horizons’ probe is nearing its end destination – Pluto – in July, this year. While scientists are wondering what New Horizons will find there, we already have the evidence that shows unusual...


Art and Space

In studying exoplanets, NASA’s infrared telescope called the Spitzer Space Telescope (SST) is of enormous importance. Although astronomers have found more than 500 exoplanets, they are still too hard to study because of their...


Merging Galaxies

Although galaxies in our universe are distributed with a lot of vast space between them, from time to time, they come very close to each other and start merging. As a result, they form...
