Monthly Archive: August 2014


The Extremely Eccentric Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton (4 January 1643 — 31 March 1727)was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian, and is considered by many scholars and members of the general public to be...


Galileo Liftoff – 22nd August 2014

A Soyuz rocket launched Europe’s fifth and six Galileo satellites from Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana on the 22nd August.These new satellites are intended to join four Galileo satellites already in orbit, launched in...


NASA’s Path to Mars

Get an inside look at NASA’s next steps in deep space exploration — from the space station, to an asteroid and on to the human exploration of Mars.


Einstein changed the way we think

Einstein changed the way we think Before Einstein, people thought that time and space were an unchanging platform where the events of life develop without them changing anything in particular. Einstein taught us about...


Monster Black Holes

The following video is a documentary about truly Monster Black Holes! Check them out if you’re into black holes in general. It’s produced by National Geographic so you’ll clearly learn some interesting info.


Astronomy for Development

Astronomy for Development This video is discussing learning astronomy for development and the special guest is Kevin Govender, from the Office of Astronomy Development.


Colonizing Mars

Humankind has always fantasized about colonizing Mars. But what makes this fascination so avid? What makes us believe that Mars was somewhat like Earth, sometime in the past?


The World’s Largest Black Holes

The World’s Largest Black Holes The video below is a collection of the most humongous black holes that currently exist in the world. Check it out for more info.


Space Exploration

Why do people spend so much money on space exploration, instead of focusing on using that budget on people right here, on Earth? Find out in this insightful video:


Hubble Telescope Slideshow

This is a collection of some of the most beautiful images the Hubble Telescope has ever caught. Check them out if you want to be amazed about how truly beautiful our universe really is.


Astronomy: The Electromagnetic Spectrum

The electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is the range of all types of EM radiation. Radiation is energy that travels and spreads out as it goes – the visible light that comes from a lamp in...
