Monthly Archive: August 2015


Twin Jet Nebula – the Cosmic Butterfly

NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has captured beautiful nebula, known as the Butterfly Nebula, Minkowski’s Butterfly, and the Twin Jet Nebula. This bipolar nebula has been formed from a binary star system that is nearing...


The Final Flyby of Dione, Saturn’s Moon

NASA’s Cassini spacecraft has captured a new image of Dione, one of the Saturn’s moons when making the last flyby. According to scientists, the main goal of Dione’s observation is an exploration of its...


Aurora Australis in August Sky

This video represents a compilation of images of Aurora Australis, taken by International Space Station on August 15 and 16th this year. The Southern Lights are captured while dancing in multiple colors in the...


How to Survive Martian Atmosphere

This video explores scenario in which humans would struggle to survive on Mars. The Martian atmosphere is completely different from ours, and the life giving substance, oxygen, is present only in traces. Moreover, humidity...


Exploring Venus

This video shows us retrospection of Venus’ exploration from its beginnings when NASA sent the first spacecraft on a mission to explore another planet in our Solar System. This spacecraft was Mariner 2 that...
